Saturday 28 February 2015

Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (2014) Good Fun

In the third instalment of the Night at the Museum movies, the tablet that brings the museum exhibits to life is losing it's power and to fix it, Ben Stiller and the gang have to go visit the only person who knows how to fix it, at the London's British Museum.

This movie was definitely more entertaining than I thought it would be. Most of the jokes did entertain me despite at times being obvious, although a few do fall flat. However, I did not enjoy the comedy involving caveman Ben Stiller (thankfully, there wasn't much of it). I think the movie would have been better without that character. The story is straightforward as expected, but still good enough to not be boring.
The returning cast do a good job. Newcomer Dan Stevens as Sir Lancelot was my favourite character and was great fun to watch. There were also some great cameos which I did not expect and won't spoil and was awesome.

There are some cool scenes in this movie that really pleased my inner kid, mainly when Sir Lancelot is fighting a triceratops and a scene involving a M.C. Esher painting along with a couple of others. I did also like the ending. It was a bit sad when it came to their goodbyes, especially when it came to Robin Williams'.

Overall, it is a solid movie for kids and adults should have an alright time

Class Enemy (2013) An astounding Blackboard Jungle from Slovenia with Love

Class Enemy (Razredni sovraznik) was a Revelation at Miskolc CINEFEST, 2014: If one of the basic purposes of a film festival is to discover and reveal new talent from small countries then Jameson Miskolc in rural Hungary is doing a truly remarkable job. Apart from four discoveries mentioned yesterday even more powerful new films have surfaced since -- from smaller countries that one does not generally think of as sources of quality cinema. On day number four (September 15) I was astounded by the quality of a film from Slovenia -- yes, Slovenia -- a teeny country sandwiched in between Austria, Italy and Croatia. The film in question is called "RAZREDNI SOVRADNIK" which translates as "Class Enemy", a kind of update to the XXI. Century of the Hollywood Classic "The Blackboard Jungle" (1955), but far more profound and powerful in dealing with the wider repercussions of a high school rebellion.
A very strict and erudite substitute teacher of German replaces a popular female German teacher on maternity leave. The obstreperous students quickly label him a Fascist and hold him personally responsible when a girl in the class commits suicide after playing Chopin Opus 38 for him behind closed doors. The ethereal Chopin piano passages become a leit motif throughout the film referencing shy Sabina, the girl who committed suicide -- an act only referred to but not actually seen on screen.
Class Enemy (2013) live streaming
The entire school now rebels against established authority until an eventual compromise between faculty and student body is reached, but not before the whole town has gotten involved and all kinds of personal side issues have cropped up. Slovenian actor Igor Samobor (56) is in total command of the role of the unsavory controversial Thomas Mann spouting teacher -- the Class Enemy of the title, and very attractive actress Natasa Barbara Gracner(45) is most ingratiating as the cool headed school principal in change of handling the widening social crisis. All student roles are excellent in a perfectly balanced ensemble cast where each personality is clearly defined. This is an unusually mature debut by a 28 year old director, Roc Bicek, unquestionably a talent to keep eye on. Voted best film of the festival, young Bicek was on hand to pick up his well deserved award at the closing ceremony

Friday 27 February 2015

X+Y (2014) Beatiful, A masterpiece, plain and simple.

'I think I see the world differently to others' explains Nathan, played by Asa Butterfield. The distinction causing this however is that he is has been diagnosed with Autism, which passes the conclusion that he is socially awkward, shy and 'unique'.

 X+Y (2014)
Although considered disabled, Nathan is a maths-prodigy. A self- confessed, algebra loving whizz at that. Because of his advanced capability in the subject, Nathan joins a high-school a few years early and placed under the teaching of Raff Spall's character, Mr Hutchinson. Heading into early stages of MS, Hutchinson explains to Nathan a competition that he did in his youth and recommends he should enter it - the International Mathematics Olympiad, a world- wide competition similar to sporting, but rather than strong muscles, strong brains.

Chosen as one of the sixteen entries from the UK, he then joins a worldly-mix of other competitors in what is probably the most difficult children's test in the world.

At this point you realize how the story is going to end, along with the regular clichés. But X+Y keeps you on toes and raises the grade to unexpected.

Although X+Y is focused around maths, it doesn't matter. The subject could easily be replaced or removed and the film would hold strong by because in awe of the fundamental driven narrative. Put into cheesy maths terms X+Y is: Great casting + dramatic story + comedy - clichés = success.

Taking the on the central lead, Asa Butterfield (Ender's Game) stuns in the portrayal and authentically attaches us with emotion to his story. Co-starring as Nathan's mother, Sally Hawkins also gives a stellar performance.

Crafted with flashbacks, X+Y is very much about the destination as well as it is the journey. Comparable to A Beautiful Mind, this too is a prodigy excellence and a charming feature from Morgan Matthews.

The Notebook (2013) "A nagy füzet" A brilliant movie about the cruelties of life

 The Notebook (2013)
The film is not only beautiful to watch but also very deep. It shows the cruelties of the war through the life of two twin brothers that are left to the care of a non forgiving grandmother during the war. They are so innocent and so good but that has to change because their new place is very cruel. People are cruel, environment is cruel and everything is even harsher because of the World War II. So they decide to overcome their weaknesses by fronting their fears. They are in the end successful in that. They become as cruel as the place they are left in and they refuse to leave their once detested grandmother to live with their loving mother. They even use their father's life to get to their own end. Overall a very moving, very real depiction of war time. The audience does not have to endure graphic violence scenes, but the violence is conveyed through the stern faces and determined behaviour of the two very young boys who are identical to look at, which makes it all the more memorable.

Life itself (2014) Thumbs Way Up

As someone who literally grew up at the movies--my mother took me to anything and everything from my infancy right through my early childhood, until I was old enough to go by myself--my love for and fascination with film is deeply entrenched in my way of thinking, my way of writing, my way of viewing life. And Roger Ebert (with Gene Siskel) was a vital discovery, someone whose opinions were always worth hearing (or reading); someone whose love for film and his way of thinking about it seemed to legitimize my lifelong instinct to appraise and quantify the value of what I was being shown on the big screen. It was all right to question things, or to accept the questionable.

I was staying at my favorite hotel in London some years ago (the mid 80s, as I recall) with a writer friend from Oslo (another lover of film and theater). She and I were having a late-night post-theater meal in the lounge when Roger came bustling through on the way to his room. I nearly levitated from my seat at the sight of him, and after he'd passed from view, I tried, a bit deliriously, to explain to my friend who this man was, and his importance to the world of film. She was awe-struck when I spoke of the format of the show, of two men agreeing or disagreeing over forthcoming films. There was nothing like it anywhere outside of the U.S.

As I watched this documentary, I kept remembering that evening at Brown's Hotel way back then, thinking that Roger would have given this film a wholehearted thumbs up. It is wonderfully coherent, and offers insights into the man, into his extraordinary talents and his tremendous enthusiasm, not just for film but for life and the people he loved. It's not hard to understand how difficult it was for his remarkable wife Chaz to let him go.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Day One (To Write Love on Her Arms) A Beautiful Hidden Gem of A Movie

Produced in 2012, this film has traveled the film festival circuit for far too long without having a proper mainstream release.

The story's arc is revealed to us through the mind of the main character through an imaginative use of animated visuals. The audience is allowed to travel in and out of the mind of the main character's coping mechanisms through a very clever and effective assortment of visual and musical story devices. When these mechanisms begin to fail, these conventions carry through in an appropriately dynamic fashion.

Rupert Friend delivers a stunning performance in his supporting role, and this film will be a pleasant surprise to those who know this actor from the 'Homeland' series.

The film has some roughness around the edges, and at times feels like a very expensive (and slightly didactic) after-school special. But those moments are fleeting, and are contrasted with some very harsh visuals and story progression that are anything but didactic.

We're presented with a brutally honest story that is at times both beautiful and horrifying in its presentation of characters that come full circle in the end.

Into the Woods (2014) Live Streaming

I was uber excited to go see this film! With its fairytale theme, star-studded cast, and music composed by Stephen Sondheim (I'm a huge "Sweeney Todd" fan!) The internet had been buzzing about it for around a year before its release and I simply couldn't wait.

I enjoyed it.

Maleficent (2014) An excellent adaptation

 Every true fan of the original Sleeping Beauty (1959) was skeptical about this and how much it had to deviate from the actual movie, and as more of the movie was revealed, it was only proving to be another female empowerment, victimized villain kind of a movie. But I'm glad I was wrong, for I'm sure only by watching the whole movie can we truly appreciate and understand the very convincing back story and development the character was subject to. Of course with very liberal changes to the original plot, the key elements that you'd look for are intact. Need I mention the perfect casting of Angelina Jolie, Maleficent truly comes to life in full form by Angelina's stunning skills and presence. A twist that's not cliché, sentiments that are deep, humor that's ever so natural and action that always keeps you at the edge of your seat! Maleficent in this movie is not exactly as we know of her from the few minutes we got to see her in the original movie, but let me tell you she's every bit deliciously evil. It was amusing to see Angelina play a role that requires a lot of nuances to pull of this character with a lot of depth as opposed to the one-dimensional character from the movie. Never letting off the grip, she carried the movie on her shoulders. Nothing to take away from the beauty of the rest of the movie which takes breath with excellent direction and visual effects that will truly transport you to another world, and the amazing work by all the 'supporting' actors. Yes, the other characters weren't as fleshed out as Maleficent, but I see that as good thing, given the title and theme. A spectacular balance. I'd also like to bring light on the enchanting score, thanks to James Newton Howard, this maestro is underrated.
A comprehensive movie, there's a little something for audiences of all ages, truly a masterpiece.
Download Maleficent (2014) HD 720p

The Walking Dead (2014) Season 5 - Live Streaming

The Walking Dead (2014) Season 5 - Live Streaming

Justice League: Throne of Atlantis - Interesting history catch

 "Son of Batman" & "Batman: Assault on Arkham" director Ethan Spaulding stages plenty of action in this Aquaman origin opus. Mysterious forces sink a U.S.Naval nuclear sub and remove its devastating missile payload. Naturally, the Justice League receives a summons, and Cyborg hikes into the Marianas Trench to investigate the damage done to the sub. Flash, Green Lantern, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Shazam all show up. Apparently, the villainous Orm/Ocean Master, Queen Atlanna's rebellious son, advocates war against the surface dwellers despite Queen Atlanna's wishes to the contrary. You know, it's the old Cavalry versus the Indians western with an unhappy upstart fomenting war despite the council of the wise Indian chieftain. Arthur discovers that his mother is Queen Atlanna after she dispatches a resourceful envoy named Mera who saves his bacon. What this lady can do with water is pretty amazing.
Indeed, the plot is as predictable as a 1960's Italian sword and sandal saga with malice in the palace. Nevertheless, the confrontations are good, particularly Arthur's introduction. He is sitting in a bar getting himself sloshed and carrying on a conversation with a lobster in a tank. Ultimately, Arthur saves a lobster from being cooked and beats the snot out a group of unruly thugs over the creature. Of course, Arthur leaves all of them sprawled on their faces. When a lone thug tries to stab him with a knife, this incredulous villain watches as his knife crumbles to pieces as his blade strikes his flesh. The animation is Filmation meets Anime. Everybody needs a haircut as my dad would say. Aquaman sets out to thwart his evil half-brother. Superman dates Wonder Woman and buys her a meal at a little cozy restaurant. Lois Lane stumbles onto them. They look like they modeled Mera on Jennifer Aniston. At 72 minutes, "Justice League: Throne of Atlantis" is worth a look-see. This represents the second time that writer Heath Corson and Spaulding have worked together on a DC Comics project.

Download Justice League: Throne of Atlantis HD 720p

The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water - Funniest Movie I've seen in a long time!

I got to go t the screening premiere of the movie and i gotta say the animation was awesome, the 3D was amazing, the comedy made me fall out my seat, what more can yo ask for?
I wont spoil anything but they make a few references and you have to keep a sharp eye out for them
also Antonio ban deres does an excellent job at playing his character
I also like how they spend half of their time under water, and the other half on land.
other than that, I recommend you to see this movie!

Screen Shoot The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water

The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water - live streaming
Movie was fantastic!!!! I loved the comedy jokes. The awesome animation. Just amazing. Thank you Nickelodeon. I can't wait for season 11 in summer 2015 :) Also The Voicing of the characters was fantastic! Awesome HD quality. Action packed comedy perfect for kids.I loved the film, I think a lot of people would also agree with me!! I just want to thank Nickelodeon for their hardwork. And to let you know all the Spongebob fans love your work. And We can't wait for more Spongebob episodes.So that's it, what are you waiting for, watch the brilliant movie now :D I recommend everyone should watch this movie. It's hilarious. 

Monday 16 February 2015

The Theory of Everything (2014) Live Streaming

"There should be no boundary between human endeavour," Stephen Hawking explains during a press conference. It is this line that strikes a chord at the very centre of James Marsh's incredible biopic on one of the most brilliant scientists of our time. The Theory of Everything is not just a story about the science behind the beginnings of our universe, but the science of love; and how life's challenges that we face everyday, shape who we are and what we achieve. Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones turn in phenomenal performances as the revolutionary Stephen Hawking and his former wife Jane Wilde. Eddie's mentally and physically challenging role, displaying Hawkings brilliance and motor neuron disease, are extremely commendable and impressive (a sure fire for a Best Actor nomination at next year's Oscars). On the more sensitive side, Felecity displays the endless love and powerful fight Jane brought to the Hawking household. As the years pass, their lives are changed tremendously in very profound and heart-wrenching ways. The movie does not shy away from making Hawking a complex character, as well as Jane, showing both their positive and negative sides. I really liked that the movie was able to shape them into fully well-rounded characters despite the "romance" aspect of it. The score for the film is tremendous.. absolutely outstanding! It hits all the right marks, brings upon emotions right when you are on the verge of tears, leaves you in awe after a beautiful monologue, and finishes with a melancholy but very fitting tone. The script and directing were top-notch.. right up there with the best... and the cinematography? give that guy an award already! A masterpiece to watch.

While some critics may be quick to judge how the film focuses more on the romance rather than the science that made Hawking so renowned, I believe that the love is what made him who he is today. Human endeavour is endless... Stephen never gave up hope, nor did Jane... and though their lives ended up in different places, it was their years together that displayed to us how a little bit of hope can go a very, very long way.

Royal Rumble: The Complete Anthology, Volume 4 (2003-2007) Live Streaming

The best event concept for me and most people seems to be the 30-man over the top Royal Rumble it's pretty exciting counting down to see who'll be coming out next, and the WWF always makes sure there's a few suprises. The event started off with a short tag match that was very disappointing, Tazz & Spike defended their tag titles against the Dudleys, no tables involved as I was hoping Spike would take a big bump. Next was William Regal vs Edge for the IC title, this match sucked and Regal shouldn't be allowed on tv period! Next match was a joke, a good match, but a joke as Trish Stratus defeated the much stronger and more talented Jazz to retain the women's title. Then we had the most hyped match of the night which was kind of disappointing as Ric Flair took on Vince McMahon, both men are in their 50s so I wasn't expecting much and that's what I got, I was hoping to see Shane or Hogan do something but nobody did anything it was just the two old men staggering around, very boring. And next we had the WWF world title match between Chris Jericho and the Rock, this was the match of the night and we didn't have to see the same old crap... Rock winning with the rock bottom. And of course after that we had the big finale the Royal Rumble. 30 Men and over an hour of constant action, intrigue and excitement. And our suprises this year were Mr. Perfect, Godfather, Val Venis & Goldust so it was nice seeing those 4 men again, however the ending really sucked as we all knew Triple H would won, still a great event to start the WWF off for 2002.

Horrible Bosses 2, A Laugh-Riot!

 A sequel to the decent Horrible Bosses, 'Horrible Bosses 2' is a much superior & much funnier sequel, that delivers above expectations. I laughed, laughed & laughed!

'Horrible Bosses 2' Synopsis: Dale, Kurt and Nick decide to start their own business but things don't go as planned because of a slick investor, prompting the trio to pull off a harebrained and misguided kidnapping scheme.

'Horrible Bosses 2' gets it right, as there are hardly any major minuses here. Sure, the second-hour, where our ill-fated protagonists plan to execute their plan, could've been shorter, with a better climax. But otherwise, this sequel is a riot. The sequences, one after the other, especially the ones with Horrible Bosses Veterans (Portrayed superbly by Kevin Spacey, Jamie Foxx & Jennifer Aniston), bring the house down!
Sean Anders & John Morris's Screenplay is brisk, hilarious & interesting. The goings-on barely offer dull moments. Anders Direction, also, is appropriately done. Cinematography is fine. Editing is good.
Performance-Wise: Jason Bateman, one of the finest actors in the block, delivers a truly committed performance, yet again! Charlie Day is first-rate, he contributes to some of the film's funniest bits enormously. Jason Sudeikis supports very well. Christoph Waltz deserved more scope, nonetheless, he's passable. Chris Pine is fantastic. He enacts the comedic baddie to perfection.

On the whole, 'Horrible Bosses 2' is one great laugh! Go, have fun!

Yves Saint Laurent (2014) Streaming - An excellent companion piece to L'Amour Fou

I have just watched Yves Saint Laurent and found it to be a visually sumptuous film which totally captures the dying days of the elite formal couture houses before bursting into the hedonism of modern global fashion brands. An excellent companion piece to L'Amour Fou (2010), giving an insight into the tempestuous but private relationship between YSL and Pierre Bergé through the pitch perfect acting of Pierre Niney (Yves) and Guillaume Gallienne (Pierre).

The film charts YSL's career from his early years at Dior in the late 1950s through to his iconic Ballet Russes collection of 1976. The world of the late 1950s is perfectly captured with elegant Dior designs, stylish models and a jazz score that matched the chic Parisian apartments the characters inhabit.

In one such apartment Yves meets Pierre Bergé, the man he will spend the rest of his life with both privately and professionally. For Pierre is the man who orchestrates the creation of YSL as a couture house. He gives Yves the confidence to "create on my own terms" and show the world his own particular view of feminine beauty and elegance.

Their relationship mirrors Giancarlo Giammetti and Valentino Garavani who together also created an iconic fashion house and sustained a personal relationship for over 50 years. Their story too is wonderfully and humorously captured in the documentary The Last Emperor (2008). However, one is left with a sense that Giancarlo and Valentino had a much more stable relationship to that of Yves and Pierre. The YSL movie captures during the 1960/70s Yves' erratic excesses with drugs and sex and Pierre's jealousy and need for control.

But this expose of their difficult relationship in no way detracts from the exquisite design throughout the movie. From the elegant, well documented interiors of Yves and Pierre's Parisian apartments, to the bohemian Moroccan lifestyle they enjoyed with the likes of Loulou de la Falaise and Karl Lagerfeld.
This film was a joy to watch with a standout performance by Pierre Niney

The Counselor (2013) Be your own judge

Was so very reluctant to go see this due to the amount of extremely negative reviews, glad I didn't listen.
Like all of you I was drawn to the writer, director & cast combination which told me this film had a chance at greatness, well I'm not so sure about greatness but this is a very good movie, one which both my wife and I thoroughly enjoyed.

The plot is secondary, only the story outline is necessary ("honest citizen" buys into a onetime drug deal which goes bad and there are serious consequences) to act as a framework around the events that unfold. We do not need details of who, what , where or when regarding the drug deal, we only need to see the greed and the evil it leads to, play out.

Yes the dialogue is metaphorical, gloriously so, and the actors deliver this as it was intended to be delivered by the writer and the director. This dialogue is superb in setting the ominous tone for the film, we do not need to know who is picking up what and delivering to whom, we only need to know that it didn't happen and somebody has to pay, pay a price beyond imagining! While there are moments of amusement, it is a deadly serious morality tale that does not play out to our long established preconceptions. Decisions today can make for impossible decisions and terrifying consequences tomorrow.
Do not judge, rate or review this film within the traditional confines of typical Hollywood movies, as it barely applies, maybe it does to the star power but not to the content nor the execution.

Nightcrawler (2014) Deutch subtitle

Dit is een van de weinige films die me heeft gehouden in mijn stoel van het begin tot het einde toe zelfs wanneer halverwege ik hard nodig om de badkamer te bezoeken. De verhaallijn, script, filmen en acteren te combineren tot de perfecte storm van een briljante film. Jake Gyllenhaal speelt een personage, op wat ik alleen maar kan omschrijven als aan de bovenkant van het autistisch spectrum en verdient een Oscar nominatie voor deze rol. Zijn karakter is perfect afgestemd door Rene Russo het spelen van de rol van haar carrière als het succes op zoek naar veroudering nieuws editor. En een schreeuw ook voor Riz Ahmed als Rick, assistent Gyllenhaal. Wat een contrast met "The Judge" die ik zag vorige week, "Nightcrawler" is superieur op elk niveau, gaan zien!

If you take the slick look of Drive and the satirical wit of Network, you get Nightcrawler. This film is a genius first film for director Dan Gilroy, it is darkly comedic, surprisingly disturbing and is brilliantly acted. The film tells the story of Lou Bloom, a freelance videographer who covers the crime world in LA for a local news station and ruthless editor played by Rene Russo. It isn't before long until Bloom's demented job overtakes his life, making him colder and colder the deeper he goes. The film plays like a twisted bloody version of Network and has the satirical wit to back it up. Jake Gyllenhaal is utterly fantastic in this film. Lou Bloom is a role that he is completely submerged in and it oozes through every frame as our dislike for Bloom intensifies throughout the film. But what this film does best is not make us particularly like Bloom but it makes us wonder what he is willing to do next. And trust me, his actions get as sick and as shocking as they come. Bloom is a depraved individual and Jake Gyllenhaal deserves a hell of a lot acknowledgment for this role because he pulls off the tricky task of making the audience care about a character that is truly unlikeable and does so with not one false note. It is truly mesmerizing to see. The supporting cast including Rene Russo and Bill Paxton are absolutely great in this film and deliver career bests here. The cinematography also is top notch here, blending the awesome pallets of Drive with a bitter cold makes for an engaging view and makes it hard for you to peel your eyes from the screen. Writer/Director Dan Gilroy is someone to watch, especially coming out of the gates with a film filled with sheer and raw velocity like this one. It is not only an impressive first film but a brilliant film all around. I highly recommend it.
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Sunday 15 February 2015

A Mause Tale (2015) Small kingdom, Big heroes - Live streaming

In order to save their kingdom from evil rodents, Sebastian (Drake Bell) and Samantha (Miranda Cosgrove) are sent on a quest by the King of Rodencia (Jon Lovitz) to obtain a legendary magical crystal which has the power to defeat the rodents. With the help of two trustworthy knights, they must venture deep into the forest and enter the forbidden world of giants in order to accomplish their mission and restore order to the kingdom.
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Ex Machina movies - Excellent, thought-provoking, fascinating

Given the large amount of television and film dedicated to A.I. I was surprised to find another film that could bring something new to the table. What we have here is a fascinating film which explores the complicated issue of artificial intelligence, and the morals and ethics attached to the idea. Expect the problems presented in this film to occupy current affairs over the next decade.

Ex Machina is a touching story, carried excellently by its two male lead characters and their robot, played with childlike wonder and tingling sexuality by Alicia Vikander.

Yes, there are plenty of other films out there which try to explore the concept of artificial intelligence, but don't be put off. This is no retread of Star Trek's Data or Arnold's Terminator from T2.
Just see it for yourself, you won't be disappointed.

An excellent and thought provoking film.

Review :
The film moves at a good pace throughout getting to the main storyline early on. The most noticeable aspects of the film early on are the location, sets and special affects.

Though the main character, Ava, has an attractive human face it is quite clear from the rest of her body that she is indeed a machine. This is central to the role and storyline, I shall say no more as to why.

Domhnall Gleeson plays 'Caleb' and takes us through the film, leading us along the way to a conclusion that is eventually twisted at the end. Though he is very good in the role he is over shadowed by Oscar Isaac (Nathan) who created Ava, superbly played by Alicia Vikander, who over shadows them both.

I have seen that there are some exciting films being released this year but they will have to go a very long way to better this one. 

Saturday 14 February 2015

The Bachelor Weekend (2013) - Hilarious and Touching

So originally i thought this would simply be the Irish version of the hangover movies, however i had an essay to write and so i was prepared to watch anything to avoid doing it. I was wrong. The Stag did have the laddish banter in it, with one character known as "the machine" seeming to be a borderline psychopath whose outlandish exploits would gain laughs from mainly a prepubescent male demographic. But the machine's care free, reckless attitude to life helped bring out a more liberated and daring side; to the somewhat awkward and geeky, metro sexual characters. This film had a great balance of humor and touching moments, including the machine singing at the wedding. What i also loved about this film is that it didn't have Irish stereotype characters who were just wanting to get hammered and have a fight, but they were more honest and real characters who each had their own obstacles and problems to face, which helped show the character development as they dealt with these issues. Overall a great film.

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Thursday 12 February 2015

As Above so Below (2014) Very cool movie

I think people are hating on this movie way more than they should. Yes it is a horror film and no i was not terrified crying in the corner of the theater, but to say this movie didn't scare you it just seems like you think you're this super macho man who isn't scared of anything because you beat slender-man at 2 am in your parents basement. The hand-held camera work is still a very cool concept in my opinion and the filmmakers did an amazing job with this, primarily because they're actually in the catacombs of Paris! Let alone i thought the actors did a great job, and it was very believable and it the hand-held camera work made you feel like one of the characters experiencing the whole thing. No it was not the scariest movie of all time, no it doesn't have some deep meaning, but for the 9$ i spent to go see it, i absolutely loved it. Very cool movie in concept and it was done very well. People who hate on this movie really just don't appreciate it

Joe (2013) The Return of Nicolas Cage

I couldn't help but notice how much J-O-E is similar (or at least as simple as) to a D-O-G. The film is more than just a glimpse into the life of a man who does know how to live, but I was wondering if he served more as a metaphor for everyone of us as a part of the human race who live better when we're on a leash. Nicolas Cage plays the title character as a man who can smile and have fun, but lives off the leash. He'd be a good dog to the extent that he will always do the right thing. Just don't mess with him. Or his friends. "Joe" has been the movie event of the festival. It plays a dramatic chord through notes of laughter and some extreme intensity (seriously, of "Gravity" caliber). The violence is strong (the 60-year-old man next to me had to look away during one scene in particular), and the acting is subtle (realistic). Nic Cage, in his conversation at the SXSW Film Festival, spoke about his wife telling him that this role was as close as he's gotten to his real persona. I found it more along the lines of "Leaving Las Vegas." If you're reading that right, you should be expecting Nic Cage do start doing lower-budget movies (this was made for $6 Million, I believe). This is what he wants to do now (I quote him personally), and I believe this could be the start of a sustainable career toward what we might come to know as a legacy. Nicolas Cage, you should know, is the ideal movie star. He knows how to live, and he knows how to be kind. This is his return to form while there may be a *wink* or two in this film at what he's known as on this wild thing called the "internet." Still, he's not really like any other movie star, and there will never be anyone known as "the next Nicolas Cage." He is truly one-of-a-kind. As is this film. "Joe" is a simple story of simple people. There are many minor characters who just seem to exist in this world. There is one scene of him looking over to see a couple in a jeep next to him. I felt this might have been out of place, although the two made eye contact and it granted a laugh from the audience. What I wanted was this scene to be a metaphor for was a life Joe could have had. He doesn't like being messed with, especially when nobody has a reason to mess with him. He doesn't give them one, but when he fights back at them, the consequences are played out throughout the film. The editing lets the actors breath and the music lets the atmosphere live. Shot around Austin, an audience member (that same 60-year-old man) told me that the director, David Gordon Green (Pineapple Express), grabbed a few people off a bus, and gave them starring roles. They serve as decay of human beings. We're shown the lowest of the low, and it will make you angry to see what people are capable of doing to each other. I don't believe people are happier on a leash. When we're told what to do, we may be rewarded with food, but at the end of the day, it's the connection to each other that makes us want to wake up again. Dogs play a major role in this film to the extent that one serves as a major character. In the final moments (No spoiler, I promise), there is a tear-jerking scene that lets you know that we can find happiness and peace. We see the dog in the front seat, happy with it's tongue out for the first time in the film, as opposed to the brute-ready-to-fight we've come to know in the back of Joe's truck. All we need in life is to be raised well. On that note, Tye Sheridan's (from "Mud" (2012) with Matthew McConaughey) part is played tough, but his deadbeat abusive father has become such a bad influence, and Gary is smart enough to know not to follow in his footsteps. This film was nearly perfect, but sadly still not made for everyone. I hope, when it's finally released worldwide to audiences everywhere, I'm wrong about that, and audiences see it. It's an important film, as well as very entertaining.